This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Brigid, first thank you for reposting your story.  How very bizarre of the 
organizers!  I don't show, but took Juniper to the first time ever 4-H for 
Special Kids here in Oregon.  I found similar disorganization.  However, I 
was only a couple miles from home and only there for a couple classes.  You 
deserve credit for hanging in there and dealing with all the stupidity you 
had to deal with.  

Still, it sounds like  you and your fjords did a very good job in adverse 
conditions.  Rather than give it up and stay away next year, you have 
ammunition that may help for 2002.  You KNOW how bad conditions are.  You can 
call the organizers (not the middle men, but the top honchos) and describe 
the minefield that they have created.  See if they can come up with some 
solutions.  If they show no interest, well pfffftttt to them!

Anyway, thanks again for reposting.  


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