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I was just reading about counter counter. Counter canter is an excellant way 
to teach a horse staightness. However, until the horse is well balanced on 
the canter and can go from a canter from a walk and remain remain balanced  
and can do a collected canter, it is too early to start. The counter canter 
is a rider invented gymnastic exercise. The pupose being balance, suppleness, 
straightness and collection. Counter canter is not the same as a horse being 
on the wrong lead. In the counter canter the horse is intentionally asked to 
canter on the outside lead instead of the usual inside lead. My belief if you 
are a beginner rider and not done some training it is probably best to work 
with a trainer to understand what your position should be. Many mistakes are 
rider-related and are often are the result of an ineffective seat or 
incorrect position. Leslie from Corrales, NM

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