This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For travel into Oregon from California, all that is required is a current Health Cert. (travel needs to be completed within the 30 day timeframe the cert is issued for, and Oregon DOES require that your vet call the Oregon Ag advance and get a permit number to put on Health Cert.. They also require a Coggins, good for 6 months. I have travelled extensively w/ horses in and thru Oregon and they have never asked for a Brand Inspection, even though all my horses carry them, as req'd. by Nevada state rules...To my knowledge California does not have a brand inspection for horses, and I would assume that Oregon doesn't either. FYI, I have never been asked to present ANY papers for horses at the Shasta I-5 staion, or Truckee I-80 station. I have been asked only in Idaho and Montana. I am not one to shirk rules, but if I am hauling into California for the day to trailride in the Sierras, or to go to a one day show, I usually don't bother w/ the Health Cert./Coggins stuff. Guess thats the chance I am taking. There was a very lively discussion I attended about 2 years ago when Nevada decided to beef-up it's existing but lax, Brand Inspections for horses.There were a series of informational meetings given throughout the state. Basiclly, the Brand Inspector agreed, along with the state vets that the Health Certs & Coggin's tests were a waste of good money, and that if they really wanted to do things "right" borders s/b designated by climatic zones & regions, not state lines, i.e., west of the Sierras, east of the Sierras, west of the Rockies, etc.
Have a fun trip! I wish I could go to the show, but I am on babywatch...

Karen McCarthy
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

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