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In a message dated 2/26/2003 7:34:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Hi Brian, ........ Thanks for your comments. I always appreciate the
> sensible and insightful thoughts that you and Ursula
> share with this list.

I must second this notion!!  I personally think the whole "auction" thing is 
being a bit blown out of proportion.  We must remember that the word 
"AUCTION" is NOT synonymous with "Slaughter house".  Many other breeds have 
been having specialty auctions (whether for a particular breed or particular 
disipline/purpose) for a long time with great benefit to the breeds involved. 
Take a look sometime at the prices they get for TB yearlings at some of the 
race horse auctions for instance.  Our Small Farmer's Journal Draft Horse 
Auction has had Fjords consigned several times in the last few years. These 
horses are bringing some of the top prices for the sale. These horses are 
getting exposure at these auctions, being seen by people that may not 
otherwise ever have seen a Fjord horse. These people may end up being future 
Fjord buyers - whether at another auction or from a private party. How can 
this be a bad thing?

I guess I just don't understand why some folks are getting so worked up and 
putting someone down because, for whatever the reason, they have made the 
choice of selling horses at auction.


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

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