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"How NOT to promote Fjords"

I have to say that I agree with the statement about being careful.  I have 
introduced myself previously and have indicated that I recently purchased a 
PMU rescue foal - a Fjord/Quarter cross and wanted everyone to know how 
thrilled I am with him.  However shortly after I purchased Drifter, the 
controversy really kicked up about Fjord crosses and I have been just sitting 
back and reading all of the many comments.  I have to say that I have been 
reluctant to even post any messages to this board because I feel that because 
my horse is not a purebred Fjord that we really wouldn't be welcome by very 
many - a few have responded kindly about the crosses and I even received a 
couple of very nice e-mails when I first introduced myself, but that sure 
doesn't seem to be the tone I've seen lately.  I want you all to know that I 
do understand your concerns about keeping the breed pure.  But, yes, there is 
a place for these crosses.  I, personally, have wanted a Fjord for several 
years.  I even recently had decided to start saving for one and had 
corresponded via e-mail with a breeder in Canada about possibly purchasing 
one in a year or so.  However, to be honest with you....with 2 children in 
college, I just couldn't see myself spending that kind of money for several 
more years.  In the meantime, I heard about the PMU foals and found my little 
guy at a very reasonable price.  He is what I needed for now and will be a 
lifelong member of my family.  I will be gelding him when he is physically 
ready - but not because he is a cross - I just have no desire to own a 
stallion.  Maybe someday I may still be able to purchase a purebred Fjord.  
However, I must say, that I love my little guy and have been a little turned 
off by what seems to be the attitudes of a great many people in the Fjord 
horse world.  I can certainly understand why some people may decide to look 
elsewhere when making a purchase.

Cheryl Hill
in Northern CA

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