This message is from: bolinsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I agree that I don't recommend the procedure, but my first pony, Beast trained our poodle not to chase and nip his heels. He was usually a dog hater and would blast them good, but seemed to know that Elan was one of us. He waited until she made a grab at his ankle and 'lifted' her clear into the air, throwing her a few feet. She hit with a thud. She continued to follow us around, but at a comfortable distance. Beast discouraged a lot of dogs over the years we had him. And anyone or anything that looked like it was 'after his herd'. I think the 'shocker collar' is a pretty good method even though it sounds harsh. I have a couple neighbors who have used it to deter their dogs (sheepdog, setter) from chasing neighbors cows. I couldn't find a shocker collar small enough for our little dogs.
Martie in MD


Let me say that I don't really reccomend this method because it cost me
money at the dog vet, but my Irish Setter was cured 2 years ago from chasing
horses by one swift kick to the head. He lived but won't talk about. When
the horses come out into the lawn where he is ( with an invisable fence ) he

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