This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"W. Peter Randall" wrote:

> This message is from: "W. Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> A few things from the Niagara Region in heat struck Ontario...
> 2) I have a new dog who is just great with our three small kids and wonderful
> on the farm except where horses are concerned. He takes after them and
> especially bothers my exquisite filly Elsa (Leader Lane) - and she's
> something, never had a horse person see her who didn't want to buy her. The
> dog is a Shep\Collie mix, one year old and always been in a city.
> I have been leading horses down the drive, by the dog while my wife has him on
> a leash and choke collar and she chokes him and says no everytime he barks at
> a horse.
> We also tie him up whenever he is bad like this but as you can imagine it can
> be quite dangerous.  Last night I was taking Elsa into her stall after
> grooming and the dog flew out of nowhere biting her back legs and Elsa and I
> did dangerous out of control circles around her stall till I kicked him out
> and got the metal stall door shut.
> I am praying the horse novelty will wear off but am obviously concerned for
> the safety of the horses and us humans! ADVICE GREATLY APPRECIA

I would try a remote shock collar on the dog.  This sounds like a very bad and
dangerous situation and is not good training for your horses to accept and trust
dogs.  I don't even want to think of what could happen if you are driving down 
road and a dog comes out after the horses have had to deal with the one at home.
Did you get this dog as a pup?   Good Luck

I want to take this time to thank all of you in Canada for sending down the high
with much cooler and drier air for us in WI.  I enjoyed an almost bug free drive
this morning.
"Built FJORD tough"
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin

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