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Thanks for all your comments on barefoot Fjords. Sounds like there are quite a 
few of us out there, and many of us started because those Fjord hooves are so 
naturally hard! Just one (more) reason why as a beginning horse owner I picked 
this less-problematic breed. 

Great to hear of the barefoot Fjord competing in CDE. You may want to send your 
story & pictures to the site -- they have a section on "high 
performance barefoot horses." 

Re: rocky/hard roads and trails. It's important to condition the hooves to the 
terrain on which they will be used. I put rocks in my paddocks so the horses 
have to walk across them to go to & from feed & water. If they are still ouchy 
after conditioning, boots are a better (and temporary) option. Two of my Fjord 
friends use Old Macs with good results.

Trimming. I became a do-it-yourselfer when all else failed. I just couldn't 
find a farrier who impressed me, so I took matters into my own hands -- 
literally :-) One thing I quickly learned is to soak those rock-hard hooves in 
water before trimming! Saves lots of energy. 

Happy Fjording,
Brigid Wasson

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