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Hi All!

Yesterday was a very enjoyable Fjord day. First we had an "arena work party." 
Phew! Never knew shoveling sand was such hard work : ) The arena hasn't been 
worked on for some time, so much of the substrate had piled up around the 
edges and become hard as concrete. Yikes. After two hours of shoveling, we 
combed the arena with a truck and harrow (is that what it's called?) and it 
looked great! Lucky for me, everyone else had to go home so I was the first 
one to ride in the "virgin" arena! Practiced Western riding with Tommes for 
an upcoming schooling show. He did great, and even loped under saddle for the 
first time! Afterwards I enjoyed Mexican food and socializing with barn 
mates. Later I decided to work on Rafael's overdue feet. A friend who also 
does her own trimming loaned me an item called "It's a Holdup" which supports 
the foot. A very handy item and more stable than the traditional stands 
farriers use. I was happy to find nice, healthy hoof under all the old dead 
stuff! Rafael accepted the trimming and seemed happier afterwards -- probably 
feels much better.

On to my question... how many of you keep your Fjords barefoot? Were they 
shod when you bought them? Did you have to go through a transitional period 
with no riding, or using boots? Who trims: you, a traditional farrier, or a 
natural hoof care provider (someone who trims/advocates natural hoof care and 
does not apply shoes)? If you trim yourself, how do you do it and what 
guidelines do you follow? Any helpful hints, or problems you've encountered? 

All my three are barefoot and ridiculously healthy :-) I'd like to hear about 
your experiences, even unpleasant, even if you decided to go back to shoes. 
Although I strongly believe barefoot is the best way, I'm not out to 
criticize or convert anyone.

Happy Fjording!

Brigid M Wasson 
San Francisco Bay Area, CA 
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