This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I don't write in very often as I usually just read and chuckle at most
discussions that go on.  But lately I really have a problem with the
direction this board seems to be going in.  I have to say that I thought
this was a discussion board for discussions such as bitting or training of
fjords and that sort of conversation.  Lately, however, it seems as if it is
one big free classified ad for horses for sale.  I don't mind the short
"Horse for sale" see this website or email this person for information but
some of these long posts every week are getting rather ridiculous.  Sorry
Carol to pick on you but I just don't see the need to list every horse you
have for sale on this discussion board with long descriptions of each,
needless to say the asking price on at least one is WAY different that what
you have the horse listed on your website for (Velena was listed on the
website for $10,500 and on the list you have her listed for $16,000).  That
is a huge jump and I would hope for that jump in price she has at least been
shown in some type of either open or fjord show to jump that much.  Is there
a reason you don't just post a short posting stating quality fjords for sale
with your website attached to it for people to reference there for
information?  I don't mean to pick on you particulary but you seem to be the
biggest "offender" of this.  You have a beautiful website and I would think
you would want to draw the interested parties to your website to see what
else you have to offer at your farm.  Again, I really don't want to single
you out but again it feels like you are using this discussion board as free
advertising for the horses you have for sale.  I will bet I am not the only
one who feels this way but I am probably the only one who will come out and
say it. :-)  Just stirring the pot as I seem to do all too well!!

Beth Gerst

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