This message is from: "Steve Sessoms" <>

Well, this is my last bit on Parelli for a while, sorry if I come across harsh
in my earlier post but sometimes I feel I must defend my friends.  This is one
of the friends I speak of:  

The following paragraph is what I wrote to Debby [] in
private email, by the way we had a nice debate discussion off the list.  =)
This is my take on the video of LP and the half blind horse, and I was so
shocked when I first saw that bit on a Parelli dvd that I watched it over and
over until I thought I understood what the heck LP thought she was doing ... 


I don't think LParelli handled that half blind horse well either. I do not agree
with everything they do. I am not one of their blind followers. In her defense
though, the horse's owner had come out to join the group with his horse. The
horse put its head up and started looking out into the distance just looking for
something to spook at. The horse was behaving downright dangerously, too
dangerously to even lead it back to the barn. When LP took the lead she was
attempting (very badly I might add) to get the horse away from her and for it to
stand still until it decided it would rather be calm with its people than
frightened out by itself. Kinda like slapping someone who has gotten into a
complete screaming panic and won't stop! Only when it relaxed would she let it
stand with them. And I have never been a fan of those big metal clasps hanging
from the halters. I thought she had several chances to stop and see if the horse
would relax but she just kept whamming it ... maybe she saw something in its
behavior that I couldn't see though. I doubt the horse was harmed mentally or
physically from what I saw in the video. But I can't help but think there had to
have been a better way. The horses owner said that he is horrified that so much
negative has been made from that video, he said that Linda and the Parelli
course helped him and his horse a lot. 

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