On 11/9/05, Brent Gore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is where I really start to pull my hair out because there are so
> many options.  I think the above would work, but I'm not really sure if
> that's using MVC correctly.

Hey man, that's what happens to everyone. Don't sweat it. Seriously,
design patterns are sort of your "road map". It's not important
EXACTLY how you get there, and if it's easier for you to walk around
something, then walk around something, don't force yourself to walk
OVER something just because the map says that's the direction you need
to go in. In other words, just start off doing what makes sense to
YOU. What makes YOU comfortable. Trust me, you'll go back and revise
your code a hundred times, maybe more, and the next project you work
on will change because you'll take lessons from the previous one. The
most important thing about design patterns and frameworks is just that
you USE them. There is no real "right way" or "wrong way". There are
ALWAYS places that someone would step in and say, "oh, I'd do it this
way...not that way"...and all you can do is just take it in, see if
it's appropriate and applicable to your project or workflow and
implement it or not.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, just the fact that you're USING a
design pattern or framework is a great start. You're already doing the
most important thing right. The rest will just "come" to you...
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