Oh BTW, this font smilie solution is immune to Flash versioning (5,6,7,8,8.5), it should work in any other app that can display fonts. Also, the sample swf in the link is a little buggy but the Archive.zip contains the latest source.

On Nov 20, 2005, at 1:46 PM, Simon Lord wrote:

I have a font based solution that is easy to use. The idea is to use the kerning in fonts to simulate layering of letters, however, in my font there are no letters, just smilie *parts*.

You can see the breakdown here as well as test it out:


... download the sample here (it's old, you may need to play with it a little to suit your needs).


On Nov 20, 2005, at 12:24 PM, Karina Steffens wrote:

Hi List,

I have a working FlashComm chat programme, dedicated to online counselling. It's been up and running for over half a year now, but now the client wants
me to add some new features, one of which is emoticons.

I'm using the TextArea for the history component and formatting the text with html, so I thought adding the emoticons would be a simple matter of using the <img> tag in the TextArea. But it doesn't want to work that way - the emoticons are not displayed inline, but at the beginning of the next
line, wrapping the following text around them.
I need to find a way to to make them display in the same way as a user would expect from a chat application. I've done some research, but haven't found anything suitable yet. I also don't want to use an emoticon font, because
the results are not what I'm looking for.

Any ideas? Is it possible to use a style sheet to position them correctly? Or give all images ids to move them around? Would I need to overlay them on top of the text? Nothing too complicated I hope, I've only estimated a
couple of days for the job...


Karina Steffens  |  Neo-Archaic
creative & technical new media design
 <http://www.neo-archaic.net/> www.neo-archaic.net

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