> Johan, just to get a little confusion out of the way, you said "Yes, with
> Flex2 this would be a nightmare. Not impossible but just awkward way of
> going about things." and a little further along in the mail, "develop your
> game in AS3, than yes it is totally feasible and in fact you gain more from
> it than you would developing in AS2". So uhm.. which one is it ? ;)) Did u
> mean if you develop a code-only game that it would be feasible, but when
> you create a heavy graphical assets game (in want of a better description)
> it would be awkward?

It would be awkward to develop a "heavy graphical assets" game in
Flex2 framework. I'm making the distinction here between the AS3
language and the Flex2 framework with the MXML paradigm.

You can develop/re-write your current game in AS3 using Flex Builder 2
as your editor and gain more than you would when developing in AS2 -
due to the advantages of the new AS3 language features.


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