i think the setInterval thing would work just fine. you could pass the same
time to the interval that you do to the tween.

or you could do somehthing like this:

//if pics are loaded dynamically, these can be set dynamically
var mcNum:Number = 1;
var mcMax:Number = 4;

function nextTween(){
   var theMc:MovieClip = this["mc" + mcNum];
   var theTween:Tween = new Tween(theMc, "_x", Strong.easeInOut, theMc._x,
theMc._x - 85, 1, true);
   theTween.onMotionFinished = function(){
       if(mcNum <= mcMax){


On 7/23/06, jcarlos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

I need some ideas how to workaround the following situation

I have na mc as an holder for some photoStrip >>>>  this photoStrip has n
photos as mcs in it  >>>> I want to produce some tween over each one BUT
the next tween should only begin after the previous has finished

as I don´t know how many photos are ther and as I´m using DepthManager
to to set up the photos into the PhotoStrip

I begin using  for in to trasverse the strip but I´m stucked here with
clever idea about how to chain these tweens, any help,please ?

  for (var prop in photoStrip)
   if (prop != _childCounter)
         var animPhotoX:Tween = new Tween (photoStrip[prop], "_xscale",
Bounce.easeOut, 100, 120, 0.5, true);
         var animPhotoY:Tween= new Tween (photoStrip[prop], "_yscale",
Bounce.easeOut, 100, 120, 0.5, true);

         animPhotoY.onMotionFinished = function()
                    //  would be the next tween something like

I know that inside the the strip the mcs are named as childDepth0  to
childDepthN-1 being N the number of photos placed in it

I tryed something with a for photoStrip["depthChild" + i]  but it didn´t
work, since the for runs for all values of the control variable not caring
about if  motionFinished has occurred or not

The last idea I had, but it seemed too dirty would be to have an
checking from time to time if the currente Tween ended and then increment
"i" and clear it after the last tween happen.

I need something like an ("irchhhhh")  GOTO  or some Design Pattern
techinique I do not master at this point.

Joao Carlos

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