Hi João! Have you taken a look at Fuse or animationpackage? It makes
sequential tweens much easir and straitghforward...


- Marcelo.

On 7/23/06, jcarlos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

yes .. I think it´s going to work .. I will try

----- Original Message -----
From: "John VanHorn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] sequential tweens ?

i think the setInterval thing would work just fine. you could pass the
time to the interval that you do to the tween.

or you could do somehthing like this:

//if pics are loaded dynamically, these can be set dynamically
var mcNum:Number = 1;
var mcMax:Number = 4;

function nextTween(){
    var theMc:MovieClip = this["mc" + mcNum];
    var theTween:Tween = new Tween(theMc, "_x", Strong.easeInOut,
theMc._x - 85, 1, true);
    theTween.onMotionFinished = function(){
        if(mcNum <= mcMax){


On 7/23/06, jcarlos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I need some ideas how to workaround the following situation
> I have na mc as an holder for some photoStrip >>>>  this photoStrip has
> photos as mcs in it  >>>> I want to produce some tween over each one BUT
> the next tween should only begin after the previous has finished
> as I don´t know how many photos are ther and as I´m using DepthManager
> class
> to to set up the photos into the PhotoStrip
> I begin using  for in to trasverse the strip but I´m stucked here with
> some
> clever idea about how to chain these tweens, any help,please ?
>   for (var prop in photoStrip)
>   {
>    if (prop != _childCounter)
>    {
>          var animPhotoX:Tween = new Tween (photoStrip[prop], "_xscale",
> Bounce.easeOut, 100, 120, 0.5, true);
>          var animPhotoY:Tween= new Tween (photoStrip[prop], "_yscale",
> Bounce.easeOut, 100, 120, 0.5, true);
>          animPhotoY.onMotionFinished = function()
>          {
>                     //  would be the next tween something like
>          }
>    }
>   }
> }
> I know that inside the the strip the mcs are named as childDepth0  to
> childDepthN-1 being N the number of photos placed in it
> I tryed something with a for photoStrip["depthChild" + i]  but it didn´t
> work, since the for runs for all values of the control variable not
> about if  motionFinished has occurred or not
> The last idea I had, but it seemed too dirty would be to have an
> SetInterval
> checking from time to time if the currente Tween ended and then
> "i" and clear it after the last tween happen.
> I need something like an ("irchhhhh")  GOTO  or some Design Pattern
> techinique I do not master at this point.
> Joao Carlos
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