I've just downloaded the Adobe Flash 9 Public alpha and used it to compile one of my old kiosk projects. As far as I can see it has none of memory leak issues which affected Flash 8 and stopped
it being suitable for kiosks. This is great.

Has anyone else found any memory leak issues with the Flash 9 player?
This is really important for me because I'm about to start a large kiosk project and any memory leak issues would
be a show stopper.
This project is going to be delivered in the next few months but its going to be around for a while and I can see that the code is going be regularly updated. Does anyone have any thoughts on whether I should use AS3 or AS2. The project doesn't actually need any of the new features of AS3 but given that that's the way things are going should I make the jump now? Or given that the Flash 9 IDE is only still alpha should I avoid it for commercial work?

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated



Joe Cutting
Computer exhibits and installations
96 Heslington Road, York, YO10 5BL
01904 627428
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