Sorry authors... but I found this book to be a waste of space. Too much sucking up, too little content.

Maybe, if you already know about OOP it doesn't really help bring anything new to the table,

It is clearly a book about Object Orientated Programming, which uses AS2 as it's example language, rather than a book about Flash/AS2 if that;s what you mean - I think that's why it's titled 'Object Orientated Programming with ActionScript 2.0' and on the cover the 'with ActionScript 2.0' part is almost a subtitle,

I found the bits I read on OO principles to be accurate and well explained.

also, I came to Flash recently (as in about 6 weeks ago) and I found it very useful to get all the information in one place, i.e. does AS2 have abstract interfaces?, is there try...catch construct for unit testing with assertions?, are classnames treated as types, can you override the constructor of a superclass in the subclass? This book collects this information together in the context of OO principles, rather than in some alphabetical AS2 dictionary. I'm not recommending it over any other book, because I don't know all the books (being a newbie) but I found it less 'sucking up' then most computer books I have read, and I must have read at least 5 this week.

Ultimately the bible of OO analysis and Design is

"Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process" by Craig Larman but I guarantee you will be asleep before you finish chapter 1. :-)


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