Ok, I see its not so easy for everyone. Can anyone point out some
tutorial-like examples on internet or books. I know a lot of theory
(inheritance, polymorphism...) but I would like to see more applications for
it so I can be more confident when I use it.

On 8/24/06, slangeberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My main motivation for this stuff in Flash is so that my code actually
checked by the compiler, vs. Flash's crappy built-in code-checking for the
stage. That is, it will tell me if I've mis-spelled something, created
duplicate variables, the list goes on...

In addition, I write my classes in FlashDevelop, which gives you code
completion. Which means when I start to type:

> import mx.

I get a listing of all packages that Macromedia's written, instead of
looking for stuff in the help (that's fun).

And best yet, when I type:

var sBigD:ScottsSuperHugeOne = new SuperHuge();  //just a little
poly-morphism thrown in there (huck-huck) ;)

and I type:

> sBigD.

I get a list of every function in my class, as well as its signature
& types).

I'm only talking about FlashDevelop here. Guess I'm spoiled by Java & .NET
which have instance access to API's at your finger tips (when in the right

I'm just trying to find a better and efficient way to go. Way open to


On 8/24/06, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OOP and Flash is indeed tricky to fully grasp. It has become easier and
> more
> natural to implement OOP techniques on AS3 though.
> @Neo: Completely agree with you.
> On 8/24/06, neo binedell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I'll tell you a little secret about OOP.
> >
> > Don't sweat it.
> >
> > Sometimes the model jumps out at you but other times you
> > have to find it. How to find it? Write something that does
> > what you want. Then refactor it once you have a better idea
> > of how it works. The more you do that the more certain patterns
> > and approaches crystalise for you.
> >
> > I think there's too much over-engineering going on in general
> > as some people seem to think implementing all the latest patterns
> > on even the smallest project makes them good developers.
> >
> > I've been guilty of it myself a couple of times, writing frameworks
> > where a couply of focused classes would have sufficed.
> >
> > OOP should be fun if you do it right and don't sweat it when
> > it turns into a dick swinging contest, just make up pattern names.
> >
> > I quite like the Absolver pattern ;p
> >
> > cheers
> > ~neo
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> > Sánchez
> > Sent: 23 August 2006 06:34 PM
> > To: Flashcoders mailing list
> > Subject: [Flashcoders] OOP methodology and flash. I'm loosing my
> faith...
> >
> > ... well, not really but I thought it was good as I title
> >
> > I always use OOP for my flash projects but, even if I find it easier
> than
> > timeline coding, I dont know if I'm taking all the advantage of OOP.
> > not
> > even sure if I am aplying the correct patterns for every problem.
> >
> > My insecurity probably has to do with the lack of normal work OOP
> > examples. For example the typicall top menu/content web. How can OOP
> > applied to that?
> >
> > I guess I find a gap in the theory of knowing how to link the symbols,
> > movieclips, timeline and graphics in flash with the code in external
> > files.
> >
> > Am I opening a can of worms?
> >
> > Thanks.
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: : ) Scott
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