
Here is the scoop: I have 36 movie clips in my library that get placed on stage via actionscript...

Long story short, I would like to load each clip one at a time, for example: movie_clip-01 fully loads and animates into position, then movie_clip-02 loads and animates into position, (...), and finally movie_clip-36 loads and animates into position. Basically, I want to break-up the load across time, vs. doing it all at the beginning.

Just wondering if the above idea makes sense? Is it standard to do that type of loading from the library at runtime, or should I be working with 36 external swf files?

Anyone seen any tutorials and/or example files on the web that cover this type of loading?

Any tips/suggestions/links/rtfm's (with page #) ya'll can send my way would be kick-butt! :)

Sorry if noob question... I am just now getting back into Flash after a 2-year hiatus.

Many thanks in advance.

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