I'm using the default printjob class as listed in the help pages.
I was wondering if there is a way to;

1) always make a printer default to landscape mode
2) specify that certain movieclips DO NOT PRINT

//code begin
var my_pj:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
var tar:MovieClip=_root.mc_landing.landing
// display print dialog box
if (my_pj.start()) {
    // boolean to track whether addPage succeeded, change this to a counter
    // if more than one call to addPage is possible
    var pageAdded:Boolean = false;

    // check the user's printer orientation setting
    // and add appropriate print area to print job
    if (my_pj.orientation == "portrait") {
    // Here, the printArea measurements are appropriate for an 8.5" x 11"
    // portrait page.
    pageAdded = my_pj.addPage(this,{xMin:0,xMax:600,yMin:0,yMax:800});
    else {
    // my_pj.orientation is "landscape".
    // Now, the printArea measurements are appropriate for an 11" x 8.5"
    // landscape page.
    pageAdded = my_pj.addPage(this,{xMin:0,xMax:750,yMin:0,yMax:600});

    // send pages from the spooler to the printer
    if (pageAdded) {

// clean up
delete my_pj; 

//code end

[e] jbach at bitstream.ca
[c] 416.668.0034
[w] www.bitstream.ca
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