> > English Windows 3.1? I would have died if it hadn't been for Paetzold.

Heh, and I was just peeking at the Win32 API book last night. Didn't expect
to see that name again. ; )

On the subject of teaching OOP to non-programmers, I'm torn. I've seen the
method of "We'll explain later but for now just type this code" work in
Java. I've also see it leave an entire class of Java students dazed and

The time it worked, Java was taught starting completely with swing where we
were asked to build something on day one using the swing classes/controls
and the OO concepts kept appearing in a natural way along with basic
concepts. The class seemed to take the concepts in stride.

The time it didn't work was my second trip through Java with a different
instructor. This class went through the basics of programming in a linear
way and when the OOP concepts started (or the "what we've been doing"
lecture), I'm not sure I've ever so many people rubbing their heads and
staring blankly.

Granted, I think it came down to the instructor and how she ran the class,
but at the same time, it felt like the content switched gears on the second
class. Some people couldn't adapt their thinking. In a later conversation
with that instructor she mentioned that she always has about 40% (pulling a
sufficiently high number out of the air) of the class drop at that lesson.

Thinking about the swing+Java class, I'm not sure how you could translate
that to AS2 without hoops that muddy the OOP waters (attachMovieClip,

Heh, sorry, long post simply because seeing Petzold's name gave me warm

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