Describe type is quite a heavy operation. I am not sure if it would affect
this application though. It indeed is an easy solution :) Another solution
would be to call the

As far as the original problem is concerned, my thoughts about it:

When you load content from another domain (which is the case when loading
swf's in AIR from another location) they will automatically be loaded into a
child application domain. This means that both parent (the domain of the AIR
application) and child domain (the domain of the
swf) contain an definition of IAnimatedItem.

If you then check if the swf implements the parent definition it will return
false. The parent definition is not the same as the child definition.

Greetz Erik

On 4/25/08, Ian Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, of course - describeType. Good solution. :-)
> Ian
> On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 9:14 AM, John Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I've actually solved my problem in an unorthodox way currently. I've
> written
> >  a check method
> >  that does a describeType on the content of the Loader and if it sees
> that it
> >  implements the proper interface
> >  and also has all the proper methods it oks the swf.
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