Juan Pablo Califano wrote:
By the way, in most cases setting a FPS above 30 doesn't make much sense
(bear in mind that a NTSC video signal runs at 30 FPS, and a PAL one at 25
FPS). And it will only worsen frame-dropping problem, if you already have

I'm awfully tired of hearing this argument put forth by people. If this had even a remote possibility of truth then Nvidia and ATI would be out of business. Obviously, they're not. In fact, the competition is fierce over something that you claim makes no sense.

The fact of the matter is, running at a higher frame rate makes things look smoother. Period, end of statement. If you take a time-based animation inside a 30fps movie and a 60 fps movie, the 60 fps version will look a lot smoother. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.
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