Ok, I might be wrong about the "smothness", I just don't seen any
difference, but that can be subjective. However, using a higher frame rate
does put more burden on the rendering routines, so if you already have a
problem with frames being dropped, it will only get worse by incrementing de

Juan Pablo Califano

2008/5/7, Steven Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Juan Pablo Califano wrote:
> > By the way, in most cases setting a FPS above 30 doesn't make much sense
> > (bear in mind that a NTSC video signal runs at 30 FPS, and a PAL one at
> > 25
> > FPS). And it will only worsen frame-dropping problem, if you already
> > have
> > one.
> >
> >
> I'm awfully tired of hearing this argument put forth by people.  If this
> had even a remote possibility of truth then Nvidia and ATI would be out of
> business.  Obviously, they're not.  In fact, the competition is fierce over
> something that you claim makes no sense.
> The fact of the matter is, running at a higher frame rate makes things
> look smoother.  Period, end of statement.  If you take a time-based
> animation inside a 30fps movie and a 60 fps movie, the 60 fps version will
> look a lot smoother.  It's not an opinion, it's a fact.
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