My point is that the source (XHTML) was following best practices for XHTML, including using strict mode.

By contrast, the OP's source was XML, but it was not following best practices, so Flash had some issues with hyphens, which aren't supposed to be there.

I guess I was just saying that it wasn't a fair comparison. I had control over my source (XHTML), it's just that source wasn't exactly what E4X was designed for, but it followed the standards that E4X expected and the output was exactly what E4X would have output if it was XML, I was just having growing pains because of how Flash handled XML in AS1.

Hyphens in XML node names and attributes is just bad all around, and I refuse to accept that things that are within your power to change are unchangeable.

Some people choose the path of least resistance and figure out a way to parse the hyphens. I choose the path of righteousness and figure out a way to get rid of the hyphens that shouldn't be there in the first place. ;)

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