Just because you CAN do it (as this document is just that, documentation), it doesn't mean you SHOULD.

I mean, you CAN put underscores in class names. You CAN start class names with lower case characters. You can make all your variable names ALL CAPS even if they're not constants. You can put 10 underscores and dollar signs alternating _$_$_$_$_$ before every variable name if you want to. You can cast every variable as an Object, or as *. The language supports it, and the documentation says you're able to do it.

So just because XML supports it, and the documentation says it's allowed, doesn't mean it's in any way a good practice, or smart, or even acceptable. In fact, it is not. I'll give you the number one reason why.

Because XML is MEANT to be read by programming languages while still being human readable.

Programming languages generally don't like hyphens in the middle of attribute names or variable names. You have to do hacky stuff like bracket access to use them.

Hence, you should never use hyphens in XML attributes or node names.
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