Hi guys,

First, thanks for your help. The problem is now fixed, without having
to change the XML.

Whenever the term "best practices" comes up in a debate, it usually
becomes a big long complicated discussion. I try to avoid the term, as
it implies one way of doing something is inherently better than
another, which is very rarely true. Instead, I would ask the question
"whose best practices are we talking about here?" because anyone can
stand up and claim that such and such is best practice, and as it's
subject to opinion, there's never a resolution to the debate.

2008/7/2 Rich Shupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I don't understand the subtleties here. Just because XHTML was following
> it's own rules doesn't mean it was within best practices to use AS E4X to
> parse it. I'm quite sure it is not considered best practice to work with
> HTML in XML child nodes, without either CDATA or encoded entities, and your
> experience reflected that.

I have to say that it's certainly common practice - whether it's best
is subject to debate. However, it does get projects done on time.

> And, although my opinion is insignificant, I would have done exactly what
> you did. Best practices are just that, guidelines for which we should
> strive. But, since there's no XHTML parser at the ready, you work with what
> you have.

> All of this is beside the point, however. I did not cite your example as a
> criticism. I prefer not to do that. I mentioned it because I was suggesting
> that maybe this recent question was posed because the author couldn't change
> the source, just as you couldn't. And, therefore (best practices or not) the
> author had to work with a hyphenated attribute name.

You are correct - changing the XML was not an option. Hence the post
to flashcoders.

> I think it would be difficult to find a defense for hyphenated attributes,
> but there still may be times when you must work with them.

They are deeply annoying, all right. It was surprisingly hard to find
the answer online, too. Bad Google!

Thanks for all your help,
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