I've always admired Colin Moock, but after reading those 9 points, I'm not sure 
he still has all that credibility anymore...

 >    1. The removal of on()/onClipEvent() from Flash CS3 makes creating
> simple interactivity hard.

Who would want to add an onClipEvent on a movieclip anymore? I haven't done 
that since like... flash 5 or 6... You're much better off writing function 
onEnterFrame(){} instead of onClipEvent(enterFrame){}... And I'm so glad AS3 
got rid of that onLoad method...

>    2. Getting rid of loaded .swf files is hard.
That is like the only point in this list that makes sense.

>    3. Casting DisplayObject.parent makes controlling parent movie
> clips hard.
Not sure what that means but I never ever use parent... its just bad OOP... But 
I guess they could have casted parent as Sprite. And also maybe set Sprite as a 
dynamic class like MovieClip?

>    4. The removal of getURL() makes linking hard.
Yeah well it's just a little more complicated but when you know how to do it, 
it's just fine.

>    5. The removal of loadMovie() makes loading .swf files and images hard.
Haven't used loadmovie since flash 6. In flash 7, use MovieClipLoader instead, 
it's much better. Now why does AS3 use Loader instead of MovieClipLoader... 
that I don't know...

>    6. ActionScript 3.0's additional errors make coding cumbersome.
Hmm well those errors are supposed to help you... But I admit that some of the 
errors could be a little more explicit on what is wrong... If I'm trying to 
access a property that is undefined, can Flash please tell me which one ?

>    7. Referring to library symbols dynamically is unintuitive.
No it's not. I really like doing addChild(new RedCircle()) instead of 
attchMovieClip("RedCircle", "circle", getNextHighestDepth())

>    8. Adding custom functionality to manually created text fields, to
> all movie clips, or to all buttons is cumbersome.
I don't think this is really relevant. Nobody wants all classes to be dynamic 
do they? Althought, I admit it could be nice to extend TextField...

>    9. The removal of duplicateMovieClip() makes cloning a MovieClip
> instance (really) hard.
Duplicate movieclips ? Geez, I remember using that back in the day, I would put 
a button off stage and then duplicate it to create multiple instances of it. 
But you're much better off using attachMovie if you're working with AS2.

BLITZ | Patrick Matte - 310-551-0200 x214

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jordan L. 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 12:03 PM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] The Charges Against ActionScript 3.0

Let's be fair: I'm not looking to argue. I have a wife for that. :)

I intend to state my issues, but it may have to wait a couple of days
because I'm sure most, if not all, of you are in a working situation and
faced with some slimy brown stuff rolling downhill towards you. I was
going to type a whole thing before this happened, but let me just start
for now by saying that having programmed in Flash among other things,
that a lot of things I have issues against were, in my mind, the cause
of a lot of programming deficiencies and obstacles within Flash.

I intend to elaborate further... and keep in mind that this is, again,
just my opinion.


Kerry Thompson wrote:
> Jord wrote:
>> Let me rephrase this: I hardly agree with MOST of the issues.
> Fair enough. It would be a valuable contribution to the discussion if you
> told us which issues you have, <ahem> issues with, and why.
> I personally am not in a position to argue with Colin Moock, but I do enjoy
> a good debate, as long as it illuminates issues.
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