Everyone forgets their roots. Nobody remembers what it was like when they were first learning Flash and learning the basics of programming.

Colin Moock forgot his roots when six months ago he wrote an article about how easy AS3 was to learn and how n00bs should be learning it right out the gate.

Colin Moock has now remembered his roots and written what amounts to an effective retraction of his original article.

Anyone who looks at the archives of Flashcoders knows where I stand on this issue. People who say all these features in AS3 are much better are either

1. Experienced, talented coders, or people who came from other programming languages.

2. See 1.

Yes, it's really bad to put scripts on MovieClips or nested in some timeline somewhere. But, it's also really good for some designer who just needs to get some glorified banner out the door.

Yes, it's questionable OOP to use _parent._parent, and it's certainly hard to maintain, but it's also really good for some animator who just needs to set the text of some TextField two levels up.

Advanced coders often take their intelligence and knowledge for granted.
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