Hm yes, there's no difference between For and while.
What do you think about a[ a.length ] and a.push(); ?

How did you get the decompiles function ?

Thanks for pushing it.

Juan Pablo Califano a écrit :
I'd take these results with a pinch of salt. I don't think they're
conclusive, since one test seems to affect the performance of the others
(and we are talking about really small differences anyway, which I think
could be attributed to other factors than the tested code itself).

Let's take, for instance the for / while tests. If I run all your tests, I
get results similar to yours.

takeLengthPlusOut : 1958
takeForWithLengthPlus : 1788

However, if I run just those two tests the results change. And if I alter
the order in which the tests are run, the first one always seems to take
less time.
// running just these two, tracing the results in the same order the loops
are executed

takeLengthPlusOut : 1876
takeForWithLengthPlus : 2003

takeLengthPlusOut : 1876
takeForWithLengthPlus : 1935

takeForWithLengthPlus : 1874
takeLengthPlusOut : 1946

takeForWithLengthPlus : 1861
takeLengthPlusOut : 1935
I think this particular for / while case is very illustrative of some
external bias, because the execution order consistently affects the results
and because if you disassemble both loops, they're nearly identical. The
only difference is the order in which one operation previous to the loop is
executed (it's not even the "body" of the loop or its conditional test).


    function takeForWithLengthPlus():String /* disp_id 0*/
      // local_count=4 max_scope=1 max_stack=3 code_len=61
      0     getlocal0
      1     pushscope
      2     pushbyte       0
      4     setlocal1
      5     pushnull
      6     coerce         Array
      8     setlocal2
      9     pushnan
      10    setlocal3
      11    findpropstrict Array
      13    constructprop  Array (0)
      16    coerce         Array
      18    setlocal2
      19    findpropstrict flash.utils::getTimer
      21    callproperty   flash.utils::getTimer (0)
      24    convert_d
      25    setlocal3
      26    pushbyte       0
      28    setlocal1
      29    jump           L1

      33    label
      34    getlocal2
      35    getlocal2
      36    getproperty    length
      38    getlocal1
      39    setproperty    null
      41    inclocal_i     1

      43    getlocal1
      44    pushint        10000000 // 0x989680
      46    iflt           L2

      50    pushstring     "takeForWithLengthPlus : "
      52    findpropstrict flash.utils::getTimer
      54    callproperty   flash.utils::getTimer (0)
      57    getlocal3
      58    subtract
      59    add
      60    returnvalue


    function takeLengthPlusOut():String /* disp_id 0*/
      // local_count=4 max_scope=1 max_stack=3 code_len=61
      0     getlocal0
      1     pushscope
      2     pushbyte       0
      4     setlocal1
      5     pushnull
      6     coerce         Array
      8     setlocal2
      9     pushnan
      10    setlocal3
      11    pushbyte       0
      13    setlocal1
      14    findpropstrict Array
      16    constructprop  Array (0)
      19    coerce         Array
      21    setlocal2
      22    findpropstrict flash.utils::getTimer
      24    callproperty   flash.utils::getTimer (0)
      27    convert_d
      28    setlocal3
      29    jump           L1

      33    label
      34    getlocal2
      35    getlocal2
      36    getproperty    length
      38    getlocal1
      39    setproperty    null
      41    inclocal_i     1

      43    getlocal1
      44    pushint        10000000 // 0x989680
      46    iflt           L2

      50    pushstring     "takeLengthPlusOut : "
      52    findpropstrict flash.utils::getTimer
      54    callproperty   flash.utils::getTimer (0)
      57    getlocal3
      58    subtract
      59    add
      60    returnvalue
The only difference is that in the foor loop, i = 0 is run immediately
before testing i against 10000000:

      26    pushbyte       0
      28    setlocal1

whereas in the while loop, that assignment is executed before constructing
the array:

      11    pushbyte       0
      13    setlocal1

Juan Pablo Califano

2008/7/29, laurent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I often asked myself if a[ a.length ] = xxx was faster or slower then
a.push( xxx ), I did some test at wake up, fresh with coffee.
So now I know the answer and I got a bit more about while and for, and more
obvious about using them with decremental or incremental counters.

from results, > means faster :

for > while ....hey yes...oO
increment > decrement
length > push
increment or certainly make any number operation at same time than putting
the value in variable is slower than separate those actions, like:
  a[ a.length ] = i++;
slower than:
  a[ a.length ] = i;

"while incremental" is faster than "for decremental".
This is a totaly useless information as if you can use the while
incremental instead of For decremental, then just use For incremental.
I heard that any loop was compiled to a while loop so I started coding
everything with a while, what is faster to write and more elegant.
Now I'll go back to those For loops, I promess I never stoped loving you

here some convincing results :
takeLengthMinus : 1695
takeLengthMinusOut : 1598
takeLengthPlus : 1580
takeLengthPlusOut : 1550

takePushMinus : 1860
takePushMinusOut : 1768
takePushPlus : 1756
takePushPlusOut : 1685

Don't compare results between separate paragraphe because they did not run
all together:

takeForWithLengthMinus : 1624
takeForWithLengthPlus : 1581

The For loop is directly with operation outside, so it has to be compared
to the

other outside operations:

takeLengthMinusOut : 1686
takeLengthPlusOut : 1610
takePushMinusOut : 1788
takePushPlusOut : 1666
takeForWithLengthMinus : 1626
takeForWithLengthPlus : 1563

I guess that's why I learned to use for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) for my first
So if we want our code faster we have to make it longer and actually more
human readable, at the same time it means more computer readable as it gets, is the computer so close to human...?!

I [ mean my brain ] actually use a dicotomic way to find my current client
folder in the list of all my works.


and here the codes :

function takeLengthMinus():String{
  var i : int = 10000000;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  while( i-- ){
      a[ a.length ] = i;
  return "takeLengthMinus : " + ( getTimer() - t );

function takeLengthMinusOut():String{
  var i : int = 10000000;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  while( i ){
      a[ a.length ] = i;
  return "takeLengthMinusOut : " + ( getTimer() - t );

function takeLengthPlus():String{
  var i : int = 0;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  while( i < 10000000 ){
      a[ a.length ] = i++;
  return "takeLengthPlus : " + ( getTimer() - t );

function takeLengthPlusOut():String{
  var i : int = 0;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  while( i < 10000000 ){
      a[ a.length ] = i;
  return "takeLengthPlusOut : " + ( getTimer() - t );

function takePushMinus():String{
  var i : int = 10000000;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  while( i-- ){
      a.push( i );
  return "takePushMinus : " + ( getTimer() - t );

function takePushMinusOut():String{
  var i : int = 10000000;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  while( i ){
      a.push( i );
  return "takePushMinusOut : " + ( getTimer() - t );

function takePushPlus():String{
  var i : int = 0;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  while( i < 10000000 ){
      a.push( i++ );
  return "takePushPlus : " + ( getTimer() - t );

function takePushPlusOut():String{
  var i : int = 0;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  while( i < 10000000 ){
      a.push( i );
  return "takePushPlusOut : " + ( getTimer() - t );

function takeForWithLengthMinus():String{
  var i : int;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  for( i = 10000000; i > 0; i-- ){
      a[ a.length ] = i;
  return "takeForWithLengthMinus : " + ( getTimer() - t );

function takeForWithLengthPlus():String{
  var i : int;
  var a: Array = new Array();
  var t: Number = getTimer();
  for( i = 0; i < 10000000; i++ ){
      a[ a.length ] = i;
  return "takeForWithLengthPlus : " + ( getTimer() - t );

//trace( takeLengthMinus() );
trace( takeLengthMinusOut() );
//trace( takeLengthPlus() );
trace( takeLengthPlusOut() );
//trace( takePushMinus() );
trace( takePushMinusOut() );
//trace( takePushPlus() );
trace( takePushPlusOut() );
trace( takeForWithLengthMinus() );
trace( takeForWithLengthPlus() );

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