Check these slides:

>From page 43:

* We make a simple "hotspot"-like decision about whether to interpret or JIT
* Initialization functions ($init, $cinit) are interpreted
* Everything else is JIT
* Upshot: Don't put performance-intensive code in class initialization

Juan Pablo Califano

2008/7/30, Mark Winterhalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > You clearly understand what I was saying, Mark, but just a brief
> > reiteration: compiled ActionScript has to be interpreted by the VM, which
> is
> > _always_ slower than compiling directly to machine language.
> Yes, I understand and am not even disagreeing. :)
> However, there have been benchmarks where Java was actually marginally
> /faster/ than C++ for some specific tests. This seems
> counterintuitive, but the JIT compiler knows more at runtime than the
> traditional compiler can know in advance, and I'm guessing that's why
> it can (not generally, but in some rare situations) do better
> optimizations. When you have ideal programmers then of course compiled
> languages will be faster, but that difference is getting less as
> technology evolves.
> But of course we're talking about the Flashplayer here, and size,
> portability and start-up time are more important design goals than
> execution speed, so we'll most definitely will always have to live
> with a very noticeable performance penalty. Then again, we don't have
> to manage memory ourselves, which is a big plus.
> (Btw memory allocation and optimization: recycling instances where
> possible is also a good idea.)
> If somebody knows a good explanation about the when and how of the
> AVM2 JIT compiler, I'd be curious. The same goes for a table that
> shows relative performance of stuff the renderer does -- like with
> alpha vs. without, if rendering time grows linear with the number of
> pixels, how much time is wasted on DisplayObjects outside of the
> visible Stage, stuff like that.
> Mark
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:05 PM, Kerry Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Mark Winterhalder wrote:
> >
> >> Nitpicking, but just as anything digital the SWF opcodes essentially
> >> are 1s and 0s, too. :)
> >
> > Fair enough. Following that to its logical conclusion, _everything_ on
> your
> > computer is 1s and 0s, including the text in this email ^_^
> >
> > You clearly understand what I was saying, Mark, but just a brief
> > reiteration: compiled ActionScript has to be interpreted by the VM, which
> is
> > _always_ slower than compiling directly to machine language.
> >
> > When I was doing Director full time, I ran some tests that showed C++ to
> run
> > up to 400 times as fast as Lingo. I lobbied for years to get a true
> > machine-language compiler for Lingo, at least for desktop apps. I was
> struck
> > by how few developers understood the implications, and without other
> > developers clamoring for the need for speed, Macromedia never went there.
> > Director could have been a major player in the 3D game world.
> >
> > And don't tell me that Director 3D is "fast enough". Hard-core gamers buy
> > $8,000 machines to squeeze every last fps out of their games. With
> lights,
> > shaders, high-poly objects, multiple cameras, Director is just not fast
> > enough for a Quake or Doom LAN party. And, of course, neither is Flash.
> >
> >> Anyway, the new VM supports JIT compilation to native machine code. I
> >> must admit I don't know if /all/ code gets JIT compiled or only
> >> hotspots, and I don't know if it will be recompiled for each use to
> >> "hardcode" variables, but that would also have implications.
> >
> > One major implication would be in loops. The complier would  have no way
> of
> > knowing if an array would change length in a loop, for example, so it
> > couldn't hard code the length.
> >
> > Cordially,
> >
> > Kerry Thompson
> >
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> >
> >
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