If you want sub-pixel movement, you must turn smoothing on for the asset,
but there are a few "gotchas" that I'm aware of:

1) If DisplayObject/MovieClip has any filters applied to it (blur, drop
shadow, etc.), I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get sub-pixel movement. It
will only move on whole pixels which would explain that undesirable effect
you described.

2) If you're animating a TextField with anti-aliasing set to "anti-alias for
readability", you'll probably get some visual vibration as it moves.
Obviously bitmap text (no anti-aliasing) won't work well for sub-pixel

3) In certain scenarios, Flash will not allow smoothing on subloaded assets
from other domains unless you have a crossdomain.xml file in place. It's a
security thing.

If your asset is a raster image in your library, you can simply right-click
on it, choose properties, and select the "allow smoothing" checkbox. If it's
a BitmapData object, you'll need to enable smoothing when you create it
through code. 

If it's not a raster image, could try creating a BitmapData of your asset,
set smoothing to true, and animate that in order to get the sub-pixel
movement. Not sure it would give you great results, but it's worth a shot.

Hope that helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: sebastian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 7:50 PM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

Hi everyone, so I have a MC I want to move very-very slowly across the 
screen; so that it is subtle. I have the frame rate set to 30fps and any 
increase to the FPS doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener 
class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation makes 
the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and break the 
effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

Am I just stuffed? Or is there a way to achieve very smooth animations 
in Flash/AS3? [short of laying it all out as frames and cross fading! 
which would be ridiculous and over-size the file so not possible]. Maybe 
I just need to turn on something somewhere? I can't remember where if 
that's the case...



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