Thanks Jack and Zeh,

I have the bitmap smoothing on on the image's properties in the library, and I also turned on for every MC it is placed in 'use runtime bitmap caching' but i STILL get staggered movement...

It's nothing complicated, aside from using the Tweener AS3 class, I'm trying to move PNG's [with transparencies] over a BG image. The blend mode on all layers is set to 'normal'. No alpha is being used except for the inherent PNG's alphaness. I've also tried setting the bitmapCaching at runtime to the holding MC, but none of this is helping...

Any other suggestions? Am I still missing something? Is the PNG the problem?



Zeh Fernando wrote:
I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation makes the image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and break the effect I am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].

If that's an image, set its anti-alias to antialias for animation. If it's a bitmap, turn on smoothing on it (on the library). If it's a loaded bitmap, turn on the Bitmap's antialias.

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