I had a similar problem a short while ago and the solution is quite easy.

1.) You have to turn smoothing on (for library symbol too by checking
the checkbox in the dialog) by dynamic Bitmaps using smoothing
2.) You have to set PixelSnapping to NEVER for Bitmaps by code.
3.) and the most important: just scale your Bitmap and/or
MovieClip/Sprite to a value near but not equal to 1, e.g. scaleX =
scaleY = 0.99!
By scaling your MovieClip you'll force FlashPlayer to calculate
subpixels! That is doing the trick!

Good luck!

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 5:57 AM, Zeh Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are two things wrong with that example:
> One, the square image you have has an outline. Because of the way Flash
> renders outlines, it'll always snap perfectly vertical and horizontal lines
> to the pixel, hence producing what looks like a hard bitmap move. In fact,
> if you cut a diagonal line on the square and try to move it, you'll notice
> only the vertical and horizontal sides will "snap", which is pretty odd (but
> expected behavior). Turning on "stroke hinting" actually forces this same
> behavior for all lines.
> And two, you turned on bitmap caching ("use runtime bitmap caching") for the
> object, which forces it to render as a bitmap on round pixels and then
> transfer to the screen. Your object acts like a bitmap with
> smoothing/antialias off.
> So if you turn bitmap caching off and remove the outline and it'll work.
> Check it out:
> http://hosted.zeh.com.br/misc/test.swf
> These techniques are only good for this example scenario though, which
> probably isn't the problem that you're facing on your actual work (specially
> if you're using images or text), so you'll have to test to see what's up
> with your specific case.
> But what I can tell you is, don't use runtime bitmap caching as default. Not
> only because it'll force your renders to be based on the pixel most of the
> times, but because it'll mess with your movies in a number of different ways
> like forcing a large use of memory and garbage collection when not needed.
> Don't get me wrong, it's a great feature to have, but it has to be used
> sparingly and there's a reason why it's off by default.
> Zeh
> sebastian wrote:
>> ok I don't normally ask this, but I have made a very simple test flash
>> file with just one vector graphic and with Tweener I am moving it across the
>> screen; it doesn't move smoothly.
>> The code you will find in my flash file is just this:
>> package {
>>    import flash.display.MovieClip;
>>        import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
>>    //main timeline AS file:
>>    public class testas extends MovieClip {
>>              public function testas () {
>>            setAnimation2 ();
>>                  }
>>              private function setAnimation2 () {
>>                      Tweener.addTween (testMC, {x:-1800, time:8000,
>> transition:"linear"});
>>                  }
>>          }
>> }
>> the file with my FLA, which like I said has only one vector-item of a
>> square on the timeline is:
>> http://www.fountain-city.com/archives/test/testMotion.zip
>> Can anyone help me fix this?
>> Much appreciated!
>> thanks!
>> seb.
>> sebastian wrote:
>>> also I tried replacing my PNG with a simple vector of a square, but it
>>> STILL skips as it moves every pixel... surely I am still missing something
>>> simple here...
>>> hmmm
>>> sebastian wrote:
>>>> Thanks Jack and Zeh,
>>>> I have the bitmap smoothing on on the image's properties in the library,
>>>> and I also turned on for every MC it is placed in 'use runtime bitmap
>>>> caching' but i STILL get staggered movement...
>>>> :(((
>>>> It's nothing complicated, aside from using the Tweener AS3 class, I'm
>>>> trying to move PNG's [with transparencies] over a BG image. The blend mode
>>>> on all layers is set to 'normal'. No alpha is being used except for the
>>>> inherent PNG's alphaness. I've also tried setting the bitmapCaching at
>>>> runtime to the holding MC, but none of this is helping...
>>>> Any other suggestions? Am I still missing something? Is the PNG the
>>>> problem?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sebastian.
>>>> Zeh Fernando wrote:
>>>>>> I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener
>>>>>> class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation makes 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and break the effect 
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].
>>>>> If that's an image, set its anti-alias to antialias for animation. If
>>>>> it's a bitmap, turn on smoothing on it (on the library). If it's a loaded
>>>>> bitmap, turn on the Bitmap's antialias.
>>>>> Zeh
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