If each of the columns has .name='column1' etc:


should do it.

But personally I'd at least do some type-checking on all that, and
would probably create a method inside an AllColumns class to handle
changeChar(). (Obviously I don't know what you're doing, though...)


On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 7:59 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael
<michael.mendels...@fmglobal.com> wrote:
> Wow, AS3 is different, even after reading Moock's book.  I'm sure this
> is an easy question:
> How do you reference sprites within a sprite in an event listener?
> I have a child "allcolumns" within a sprite.  Within "allcolumns" are 50
> columns (sprites), each named column1, column2, etc.
> Allcolumns has an event listener:
> private function changeChar(e:Event):void {
>        e.target["column10"].gotoAndStop(5);
> }
> Result: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property column10 not found on
> flash.display.Sprite and there is no default value.
> How to drill into what's in the e.target?
> Thanks,
> - Michael M.
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