Somewhere I had a link to an excellent article on the Flex component
lifecycle - but I can't find it here at home. I'll try and dig it out
tomorrow - sorry, I know that's useless of me!

In the meantime, a quick hunt around the 'net came up with this, which
is a pretty decent overview:


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 10:31 PM, Merrill, Jason
<> wrote:
> I posted this on Flexcoders earlier today without any responses.  But then, 
> Yahoo's servers have also been timing out - maybe the forum is not working 
> well.  I figure someone else might be able to point me to some information.
> Can someone send me some links to information on all the ins and outs
> of creating visual custom Flex UIComponents with AS3 3 - NOT
> MXML (i.e. a class that extends UIComponent) ?
> I've actually done it before, but had some bugs and headaches because I
> didn't fully understand all the intricacies of method overriding you
> have to/should do - things like measure(), clone(), updateDisplayList
> (), etc. - so that it looks/works right and the UIComponent stays
> within its container (for example, you create a UIComponent that draws
> a large circle, but you want the circle to remain within the bounds of
> a scrollpane component it is a child of).
> I've googled all over the place, including adobe devnet and the
> Flexcoders archives and have come up short. Seems to be bits and
> pieces - I'm looking for some kind of explanation or simple example of
> writing a visual component
> I understand the AS3 drawing API and databinding, I just want info on
> the rest of best practices for extending UIComponent. Seems like I had
> seen a tutorial on this before on devnet, but I can't locate it now
> (the search on that thing is terrible!) - also others have made some
> good posts on that here as well, but can't find those either.
> Thanks!
> Jason Merrill
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