Flexcoders can be a bit overwhelming and posts get lost in the masses.
Try FlexComponents on yahoo instead for component related posts.

Does this have the information you need?

Here's a summary from the docs:


To implement your component, follow these general steps:

  1. If necessary, create any skins for the component.
  2. Create an ActionScript class file.
        1. Extend one of the base classes, such as UIComponent or another 
component class.
        2. Specify properties that the user can set by using an MXML tag 
        3. Embed any graphic and skin files.
        4. Implement the constructor.
        5. Implement the UIComponent.createChildren() method.
        6. Implement the UIComponent.commitProperties() method.
        7. Implement the UIComponent.measure() method.
        8. Implement the UIComponent.layoutChrome() method.
        9. Implement the UIComponent.updateDisplayList() method.
       10. Add properties, methods, styles, events, and metadata.
  3. Deploy the component as an ActionScript file or as a SWC file.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Merrill, Jason" <jason.merr...@bankofamerica.com>
To: "Flash Coders List" <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:31 PM
Subject: [Flashcoders] Details of extending UIComponent

I posted this on Flexcoders earlier today without any responses. But then, Yahoo's servers have also been timing out - maybe the forum is not working well. I figure someone else might be able to point me to some information.

Can someone send me some links to information on all the ins and outs
of creating visual custom Flex UIComponents with AS3 3 - NOT
MXML (i.e. a class that extends UIComponent) ?

I've actually done it before, but had some bugs and headaches because I
didn't fully understand all the intricacies of method overriding you
have to/should do - things like measure(), clone(), updateDisplayList
(), etc. - so that it looks/works right and the UIComponent stays
within its container (for example, you create a UIComponent that draws
a large circle, but you want the circle to remain within the bounds of
a scrollpane component it is a child of).

I've googled all over the place, including adobe devnet and the
Flexcoders archives and have come up short. Seems to be bits and
pieces - I'm looking for some kind of explanation or simple example of
writing a visual component

I understand the AS3 drawing API and databinding, I just want info on
the rest of best practices for extending UIComponent. Seems like I had
seen a tutorial on this before on devnet, but I can't locate it now
(the search on that thing is terrible!) - also others have made some
good posts on that here as well, but can't find those either.


Jason Merrill
Bank of America     Instructional Technology & Media   ยท   Learning Performance 
Solutions L&LD

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