Just want to share some things I've learned while using Flex Builder 3 to create Flash Player 10 dependent code...

If you're using Flex Builder 3, and you want to use a Flash Player 10 specific language feature (e.g. the Vector class), you need to set the "Require Flash Player version" to 10.0.0.

It's easy for a SWF project ("ActionScript Project") - you can find the setting under Properties -> ActionScript Compiler -> HTML wrapper.

If you're creating a SWC ("Flex Library Project"), however, there's no way to change that setting via the UI, as far as I can tell. You need to manually edit file ".actionScriptProperties" which you can find in your SWC project's folder. Change

On the Mac (and maybe Windows as well?) files starting with "." by default are not visible in the Finder. I just go to Terminal and edit using vi:
     > vi .actionScriptPropeties
(vi is a horrible editor, imo, but it's sure to be available on any Unix machine!).

Alternatively, you can make .actionScriptProperties (and other hidden files) be visible in the Finder by running this command in Terminal:
   > defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
Then relaunch the Finder (alt-<right-click> the Finder in the Dock and choose Relaunch). You can then easily open .actionScriptProperties with your favorite editor.

Speaking of Flash Player 10 stuff... if you're using ASDoc to document Flash Player 10 specific code, make sure you use option "-target- player=10.0.0". Otherwise ASDoc will give you errors.

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