Thanks, Gerry!  I've been wanting to know how to do that!


On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 2:36 AM, Gerry Beauregard <> wrote:
> Just want to share some things I've learned while using Flex Builder 3 to
> create Flash Player 10 dependent code...
> If you're using Flex Builder 3, and you want to use a Flash Player 10
> specific language feature (e.g. the Vector class), you need to set the
> "Require Flash Player version" to 10.0.0.
> It's easy for a SWF project ("ActionScript Project") - you can find the
> setting under Properties -> ActionScript Compiler -> HTML wrapper.
> If you're creating a SWC ("Flex Library Project"), however, there's no way
> to change that setting via the UI, as far as I can tell.  You need to
> manually edit file ".actionScriptProperties" which you can find in your SWC
> project's folder.  Change
>     htmlPlayerVersion="9.0.24"
> to
>     htmlPlayerVersion="10.0.0"
> On the Mac (and maybe Windows as well?) files starting with "." by default
> are not visible in the Finder.  I just go to Terminal and edit using vi:
>     > vi .actionScriptPropeties
> (vi is a horrible editor, imo, but it's sure to be available on any Unix
> machine!).
> Alternatively, you can make .actionScriptProperties (and other hidden files)
> be visible in the Finder by running this command in Terminal:
>   > defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
> Then relaunch the Finder (alt-<right-click> the Finder in the Dock and
> choose Relaunch).   You can then easily open .actionScriptProperties with
> your favorite editor.
> Speaking of Flash Player 10 stuff... if you're using ASDoc to document Flash
> Player 10 specific code, make sure you use option "-target-player=10.0.0".
>  Otherwise ASDoc will give you errors.
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