from my client ( an established design agency in NYC ):


   I've been doing a lot of research and polling of colleagues.

   *Here's my takeaway:*

   - no one knows what's going on
   - flash developers I've spoken to all are saying it's no big deal,
   proceed with flash
   - all designers are making an abrupt shift away from flash, steering
   their clients as a result
   - clients are questioning flash even without prompting
   - media has called for the death of it

   I think the answer is that Flash will need to change ASAP, or else I
   can't recommend it without looking like an ignoramus to clients.
   That sucks, because I love Flash, but it's not where the momentum is

   People still look at it as non SEO friendly.

they now want to do all future sites in html/css/jquery - powered by WPress or Joomla/Drupal.

any articles , facts, that i can point them to that may change their minds?


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