Lurker chiming in (I'm talkative today...)

In the end, I believe this will completely blow over, with very little
change. Yeah, for the next few months some panic-prone clients are
going to look for other solutions besides Flash. So long as you aren't
positioned in the market as only a "Flash Developer" rather than a web
developer, those same clients will still be coming to you for

Stick to offering solutions and coming up with the best solution to
their needs. Most clients don't give a damn how you pull it off so
long as it's cost effective. Those demanding non-flash will come to
you to pull off some animation magic, and you'll politely explain that
what they want is only possible in Flash and they may need to scale
back their vision if they would like to avoid using that technology.

You might have to keep it in the back of your mind when pitching a
project that the client may object to the use of Flash. So have a
backup plan sans flash. They may end up changing their mind once they
realize what they're losing.

Adobe's got the right response here, which is to say nothing. Jobs can
spout and sputter but just because he says something doesn't make it
real -- despite what a few die-hards believe. Trying to refute his
speeches and insults at best would make Adobe look petty and
defensive, and a villain to those who believe Jobs walks on water.
What they can do is keep innovating and moving the platform forward.

See what happens when you draw out the lurkers -- we can't shut
ourselves up... ;-)

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