I usually sit back and let the experts chum these out, but I have to say one thing..

I say its time for a Flash browser.
No more installing plugins,
no more yellow line around your swf,
and no more relying on another browser to run flash.

Just create a flash based browser and you take flash to another level and another market.
All you have to worry about is creating it to run on multiple platforms.
You can create your own security on the browser to coincide with iPods, iPads, iPlops whatever..

like combining air + flashplayer as a OS app

Once users/clients figure out that they can have their cake and eat it too, you'll have them coming by the hordes and there wont be anything anyone can do.
Oh, well, except catch up.. :)

+1 Flash for ever!

Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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