Signals gets a big plus from me. Takes a lot of the donkey-work out of setting 
up custom events.

On 24 Mar 2010, at 22:21, Taka Kojima wrote:

> You bring up some valid points, however some of them are irrelevant for this
> example, i.e. multiple listeners.
> I could be a minority, but I don't think I am when I say that I have never
> used multiple listeners for when I load in an XML file.
> Secondly, if I were to implement events for this XMLLoader class, I would
> most likely write a custom event class, which is even more work and I don't
> feel like it is necessary.
> The reason I say I'd write a custom event class is, let's say I wanted to
> implement caching into my XMLLoader class, I can't use the Event.COMPLETE
> event anymore as the second time I make the request it won't even call a
> URLLoader, as it's reading from an array/dictionary/vector stored in the
> class to grab the content.
> I totally agree with you on the familiarity/consistency point, it makes
> working with others a lot easier.
> The other option is as3-signals, which I'm looking into and looks rather
> promising.
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Mark Winterhalder <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Taka Kojima <> wrote:
>>> I'm curious as to other people's thoughts on
>>> this in terms of good/bad practice and what the pros/cons to this
>> approach
>>> might be.
>> My thoughts are that it's OK for the very common cases which don't
>> need the flexibility of events.
>> Advantages of events:
>> * multiple listeners
>> * one listener for multiple targets/types
>> * progress events etc.
>> * you'll have events all over your project anyway, period.
>> * it's what other coders are familiar with
>> The last one's important if other devs /might/ have to work with your
>> code. For this it will only take me a minute to look up "that strange
>> loader class I don't know", but if you use too many of those it adds
>> up, and at some point I won't want to play with you no more.
>> Personally, I'll stick with events, and I don't mind them at all.
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