----- Original Message ----

> From: "Merrill, Jason" <jason.merr...@bankofamerica.com>
> To: Flash Coders List <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
> Sent: Tue, July 27, 2010 8:23:16 AM
> Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Listeners (was no subject)
> You'll want to learn how to create custom events and pass data  with
> those.  With a custom event, you can have it contain any amount and  form
> of data.  The custom events we use in our internal development  framework
> all have a public "data" property with a type wildcard *, but you  can
> specify more specific typecast properties than that of  course.
> Don't feel bad about your questions, I disagree with Taka I  suppose,
> that's the point of this list and the best way to learn.  If  you were
> constantly bombarding us with newbie questions, I would probably  refer
> you elsewhere as he did, but you aren't.  
> If you aren't  using FlashDevelop or a similar tool of equivalent power,
> I would recommend  it.  You'll know right away if you're missing an
> import for example, and  it also will clean up your imports, removing the
> unused ones.  

Your response was incredibly helpful. Thank you very much!


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