Hi Ben,

I am not 100% sure what exactly you wnat to achieve.
But why don't you use 2 jpg's with one as a masc where transperency is black.
You can generate an alpha channel form this.
Check this: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/articles/optimize_transparent_images.html


*Beatrix Kruemmer-Frau*
Director Codergang.com
Master of Arts in Designer | Developer | CEH-LPIG

www.actionscripthero.org  | @ASHero_org | @birikini

Am 11.02.2012 06:43, schrieb Ben Sand:
I'm working on a game with some large images (up to 4k x 4k)

The pngs with alpha channels come out at 5-10MB each and we need to put a
few large ones and many smaller ones in the game.

jpeg-xr would do the job, but we are targetting Flash 10

This blog shows how to combine a jpeg with a png alpha mask to get file
sizes down, but it is for HTML5, although they were able to use a flash
converter successfully:

Is a PNG transparency mask the best way to go, or are there other options
to get the file size down?

I've found one set of code here:
I thought I should check here before using it, as we're going to need to do
a lot of these...


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