yes, i did not have the send, and it appears that I am not really sending the data in the parameter to the RO. If i run it as a web service i get this in the network monitor:
Method: Thrust_Query
Parameter 1:
name : ThrustName
type : string
value[array] :
length[Number] : 1
[0][String] : ASMT - Affordable Structures & Mfg. Tech

if i run it as a RO i get this in the network monitor:

Method: gvs._cfc.gvs_queries.Thrust_Report
Parameter 1:

name : param1
type : object
value[array] :
length[Number] : 1
[0][String] : ASMT - Affordable Structures and Mfg. Tech

so it look like in need to add <mx:Arguments> tag to my RO tag? not sure how to do this, i think i saw it somewhere in the online docs, but not sure where :-)


Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am assuming I missed the send().

Have you traced or alerted the result in your result handler?


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of cnewroth55
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 12:11 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] prblem with getting dat back from A Remote Object

hi all, I am haiving a problem getting my data back from my call to
a RO. It looks like (in the network monitor) that the call is
working, but I am not getting any data back into my datagrid (where
i think i have the binding right).
the netowrk monitor shows this:

Method: gvs._cfc.gvs_queries.Thrust_Query
Parameter 1:
name : param1
type : object
value[object] :
ThrustName[array] :
length[Number] : 1
[0][String] : ASMT - Affordable Structures and Mfg. Tech
and my code is this:

//the call to the RO
<mx:RemoteObject id="gvsQueriesWS" endpoint="http://www-stl-"
source="gvs._cfc.gvs_queries" >
<mx:method name="Thrust_Query" result="onGetThrustList
(event.result)" />
the scraip call to put everything where is it supposed to go (this
is where I think i am doing it wrong)
                  var thrustSelectedData:Object;  //array of
selected thrust reports
                  var reviewThrusts:Object; //array of thrusts
            // Store selected items into thrust object
            function thrustSelect():Void{
                  thrustSelectedData.ThrustName =
            function getThrustQueriesWS(){ //pass the data to
the RO
                  showSelectedThrusts.text =
            // assign returned thrust data to review data model
            function onGetThrustList(result:Object):Void{
            reviewThrusts = result;

the rest of the code (got some extra stuff in this but that doesn't
matter, not being used)
      <mx:List dataProvider="{link2Data}" change="getThrustQueriesWS
()" id="thrustCB" multipleSelection="true" width="250"
toolTip="Select from this list to get an overview. Hold the control
key down to select multiple items." alpha="0" color="#FFFFFF"
          <mx:Text text="Select from below to create your report"
width="240" color="#FFFFFF" />
        <mx:Spacer />
        <mx:FormItem >
              <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="reportType" />
              <mx:RadioButton label="Summary"
groupName="reportType" data="" selected="true"
              <mx:RadioButton label="Detail"
groupName="reportType" data="" color="#FFFFFF"/>
        <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="reportFormat" />
        <mx:RadioButton label="PDF Format" groupName="reportFormat"
data="" selected="true" color="#FFFFFF" />
        <mx:RadioButton label="Flash Paper Format"
groupName="reportFormat" data="" color="#FFFFFF"/>
        <mx:RadioButton label="Excel Format"
groupName="reportFormat" data="" color="#FFFFFF"/>
        <mx:Spacer width="55" />

        <mx:Button label="Create Report" toolTip="Be sure you
selected a report format" click="getPDFReports()"
id="createReportButton" />
        <mx:Text text="Text" id="showSelectedThrusts" />
  <mx:Text text="Thrust Report(s) - Summary Overview" width="229"
color="#FFFFFF" />

myLinkBar.LinkBar {
   horizontal-gap: 22;
   stroke-color: #CCCCCC;
   roll-over-color: #e1e1e1;
   selection-color: #cccccc;
   text-rollover-color: #cccccc;
   disabled-Color: #0099CC;
   reportType.RadioButton {
   fill-colors: #0099ff, #ffffff;
<!-- Create a LinkBar container to navigate the ViewStack
container. -->
<!-- Define the ViewStack and the three child containers. -->

      <mx:DataGrid id="datagrid1" x="0" y="44"
dataProvider="{reviewThrusts}" rowCount="10"  width="100%"
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PW Thrust"
columnName="RTGPRIMARYPWTHRUST" width="125" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Business
Unit" columnName="RTGBOEINGIDSBUSINESSUNIT" width="140" />
              <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Business Program"
columnName="RTGBOEINGPROGRAMNAME" width="140" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Need ID"
columnName="RTGCBNEED1IDNUMBER" width="150" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Title"
columnName="RTGELEMENTNAME" width="300" />

dose anyone spot what i might be doing wrong that is completly

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