I think you could probably do well in either. I've worked in both. I think
that there's a lot to ColdFusion's Java underpinnings that allow you to take
advantage of Java libraries in the open source world. Since you mention
reports, you should know that CFReport/ReportBuilder are based on some
freely available Java libraries (Jasper and iReport I think). Also the
cfdocument PDF functionality is iText under the covers. I'm biased towards
CF as I think the syntax is more readable, but languages are just tools.
It's what you choose to do with them that counts.

PS: This is a bit off-topic for flexcoders...

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 1:38 PM, cox.blair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Okay, so I'm probably going to get a biased response, but which would
> you say would be the best long term strategy for a beginner to learn
> to become proficient with? I'm not looking to learn both, I want to
> pick a combination and stick to it.
> I suspect it is dependant on your background knowledge and what you
> want to do, so, my background is as novice as you get but with
> proficiency to learn. What we are going to do with it is create
> specialized business applications tailored to data analyses and report
> creation.

"The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it." - Jeff Atwood

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