Thanks for the tip Alex. I'm googling now, but I'm curious how this
could be of benefit to me for a MovieClip on stage. 

Content designers build the SWF's that my application loads in, which
consists of simple MovieClips, images, vector graphics and some
interactions (like drag/drops or a multiple choice question). 

It sounds like I'd have to specify a base class for every movieclip on
stage that implemented IFocusManagerComponent. 

Am I far off, or is there some secret sauce in the kit?

--- In, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The CS3 entities need to implement IFocusManagerComponent.  You
might be able to use the Flash Component Kit to do that
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of aut0poietic
> Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 7:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Cannot Tab to MovieClips from Flash SWF Loaded
with SWFLoader
> Title pretty much says it all:
> I have a Flex 3 application which can basically be summed up as a SWF
> player which loads SWF's created in Flash CS3.
> When the SWF's are loaded, I can interact with them using the mouse
> (click/mouseover, etc). However, these items cannot be tabbed to.
> I've been hacking around on this all morning, without much luck. I've
> ensured that every item in the application either has a tabIndex and
> is .tabEnabled or has tabEnabled=false and tabChildren=true.
> I've even resorted to enumerating over the child MovieClips in the swf
> (using swfLoaderInstance.content.getChildAt()) and setting tabEnabled
> and focusRect are both true, and confirming that the tabIndex on these
> mc's was preserved.
> I'm at a serious loss as to what to do next -- I can't have
> controls/interactions that the user can't tab to. Am I missing
> something simple? A setting on the SWFLoader? The Application?
> Hope someone's had to deal with this before and knows a solution.
> Jer

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