Repost:  Sent similar reply yesterday, but it didn't make it here for
some reason.

Alex, serious thanks for your help. 

I got the problem solved a different way, but you pointing me at the
IFocus* classes provided it. 

Basically, I rolled my own FocusManager to be a sort of Hybrid -- it
functions normally most of the time, but it's addFocusables() method
was altered to be public and to have specific methodology for handling
UIMovieClip classes originating in an SWFLoader. 

In the main MXML file I removed and deactivated the default
FocusManager from the application and the systemmanager, Inserted mine
in both places, and activated it.

I also had to roll my own UIMovieClip class and downloaded the source
to the Flex Component Kit classes to do it. I then wrote a bit of JSFL
that adds my custom UIMovieClip class as the Base Class for all MC's
in the Library. 

I also subclassed the SWFLoader to pull MovieClips from the loaded SWF
(based on their AccessibilityProperties) and add them to my
FocusManager on onLoad, and remove them onUnload. 

So far so good. It's going to take a ton of tweaking to get the Flash
to behave similarly to the Flex controls -- and I haven't even
partially addressed the accessibility yet. 

Thanks for the point in the right direction! 

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